Theology Programme

Theology One

First Semester

Module nameModule codeNQF LevelCredits
Biblical Greek IBG 15115 7
Canon Law ICL 151257
Church History ICH 151357
Fundamental Moral Theology IFMT 151457
Fundamental Theology IFT 151557
Introduction to Sacred Scripture ISS 151756
Sacred Liturgy I (Vat II & Documents)SL 151657
Spiritual Theology IST 151857
African Theology AT 150155
Historical Books (Joshua & Kings)HB 150255
Liturgy of the HoursLH 15035 5

Second Semester

Biblical Greek IIBG 152157
Canon Law IICL 152257
Church History IICH 152257
Fundamental Moral Theology IIFMT 152457
Fundamental Theology IIFT 152557
PentateuchPen 152757
Sacred Liturgy II (Calendar & Cults of Saints)SL 152657
Spiritual Theology IIST152856
Dealing with Alcoholism & Substance AbuseDASA 150455
ParablesPAR 150555
Theological MethodTM 150655

Theology Two

First Semester

Module NameModule CodeNQF LevelCredits
Biblical ArchaeologyBA 261167
Biblica Hebrew IBH 261267
Canon Law IIICL 261367
CatecheticsCAT 261467
Church History IIICH 261567
HomileticsHOM 261666
Sacramentology I (Baptism & Confirmation)SAC 261767
Synoptic Gospel/Acts I (Mark & Matthew)SG 261867
Diocesan & Religious Spirituality DRS 260165
Pastoral CounsellingPC 260265
The Environmental Crises: A Challenge for Moral TheologyEC 260365

Second Semester

Biblical Hebrew IIBH262167
Canon Law IIICL 262267
Christology/SoteriologyCS 262367
Church History IVCH 262467
Fundamental Pastoral Theology IFPT 262567
HomileticsHOM 262666
Sacramentology II (Eucharist)SAC 262767
Synoptic Gospels/Acts II (Luke/Acts)SG 262867
Inculturation: Theological Foundations & Practical ImplementationINC 260465
Pastoral SupervisionPS 260565
The Psychology of Death & BereavementPDB 260665

Theology Three

First Semester

Module NameModule CodeNQF LevelCredits
Fundamental Pastoral Theology IIFPT 371275
Pastoral Psychology PPS 371375
Work Intergrated Learning (WIL)WIL 3711750

Second Semester

Bio-Medical Ethics BME 371177
Doctrine of the TrinityDT 3728 77
Ecclesiology & Mariology EM 372277
Letter to the HebrewsLH 372377
Missiology MIS 372576
Old Testament ProphetsOTP 372777
PatristicsPAT 372677
Sacamentology III (Marriage & Orders)SAC 372477
Biblical Method & HermeneuticsBMH 370175
New Evangelisation and African CrisesNE 370275
Women in the Mission of the ChurchWMC 370375

Theology Four

First Semester

Module NameModule CodeNQF LevelCredits
Ecclesiology & EcumenismEE 481188
Johannine WritingsJW 481288
Pauline Corpus IPC 4813 88
Research Methodology IRM 4814815
Sacramentology IV (Penance & Anointing)SAC 481588
Sexual, Marital & Family Morality SMFM 481688
Social Moral Theology SMT 481788
Apocalyptic Writings (Daneil & Revelations)AW 480187
DeuterocanonicalsDEU 4802 87
Vatican II: Theological EventsVAT II 480387

Second Semester

Eschatology ESC 482188
Pauline Corpus IIPC 482288
Research Methodology IIRM 4823815
Virtue, Sin & GraceVSG 482487
Wisdom & PsalmsWP 482587
CRISPR & the Dignity of Human LifeCDHL 480485
Exorcism, Deliverance & Indigenous ReligionEDIR 480585